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-3, +3, +5 are most common

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5d ago

The oxidation number for group 15 elements (nitrogen family) is typically -3 when they gain electrons to form compounds. However, the oxidation number can vary depending on the specific element and compound.

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Q: What is the oxidation number for group 15?
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What is the oxidation number for the element found in group 15?

The oxidation number for the element in group 15 (nitrogen group) is usually -3, as these elements tend to gain 3 electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What is the oxidation number for all the elements in the carbon group?

In the carbon group (Group 14), the elements have oxidation numbers of +4 for carbon, +2 or +4 for silicon, +2 or +4 for germanium, +2 or +4 for tin, and +2 or +4 for lead. The oxidation number can vary depending on the specific compound or ion that the element is part of.

What is the most common oxidation number of nitrogen?

Nitrogen has an oxidation number of -3. Since it is in group 15, it has 5 valence electrons. It wants to have eight, so it will gain three electrons. Electrons are negative, that's why the oxidation number is negative.

What is the oxidation number for group 2 elements?

The oxidation number for group 2 elements is +2. This is because group 2 elements have 2 valence electrons, so they tend to lose these 2 electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Elements that have a single oxidation number?

Elements that have a single oxidation number include group 1 elements (e.g. sodium, potassium) which have an oxidation number of +1, and group 2 elements (e.g. magnesium, calcium) which have an oxidation number of +2.

What is the oxidation number of group 7?

Group 7 elements, also known as the halogens, have an oxidation number of -1 when they are in compounds. This is because they have 7 valence electrons and tend to gain one electron to achieve a full outer shell in chemical reactions.

What is the oxidation number for group 2?

The oxidation number for group 2 elements is typically +2. These elements have 2 valence electrons that they can lose to form a 2+ cation.

Which group has a 0 oxidation number?

Noble gases have a 0 oxidation number because they have a full valence shell of electrons, making them stable and unreactive.

What is the simple oxidation number for magnesium?

Magnesium is in the group 2. 0 is the lowest oxidation number for it.

What group has an oxidation number of zero and why?

Noble gas have 0 Oxidation number. That's because they do not form ions.

What is the oxidation number of an uncombined group 2 metal is?

The oxidation number of an uncombined Group 2 metal is +2, as they have 2 valence electrons that they tend to lose to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What are the rules for using group number to predict oxidation state?

The rules for using group number to predict oxidation state are that the element must be ionized and a number line must be used.