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Q: What is the oxidizing agent in the reaction Fe AgNO3 Fe(NO3)3 Ag?
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What is the oxidizing agent in the reaction Fe AgNO3 FeNO33 Ag?


How does the concentration of an oxidizing agent affect a redox reaction?

The concentration of an oxidizing agent can affect the rate and extent of a redox reaction. Higher concentrations of the oxidizing agent can increase the reaction rate by providing more oxidizing molecules to accept electrons from the reducing agent. This can lead to a faster and more complete reaction.

Is propane an oxidizing agent?

No it is not. Propane can be used as fuel during oxidation reaction however it is not an oxidizing agent. In a redox reaction such as combustion, propane acts as a reducing agent. Common agents are O2 and O3.

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Does an oxidizing agent become oxidized?

No, an oxidizing agent itself does not become oxidized. Instead, it causes other substances to undergo oxidation by transferring electrons to them. The oxidizing agent facilitates the oxidation reaction by accepting electrons and becoming reduced in the process.

Zn plus H2SO4 as an oxidizing agent?

When zinc reacts with sulfuric acid (H2SO4), the zinc undergoes oxidation to form zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) and hydrogen gas (H2) is produced. The sulfuric acid acts as an oxidizing agent in this reaction by accepting electrons from the zinc to help it oxidize.

What is the reducing agent in the reaction Fe AgNO3 Fe NO3 3 Ag?

Iron (Fe) is the reducing agent in the reaction. It donates electrons to silver nitrate (AgNO3), causing the silver ions to gain electrons and form solid silver (Ag).

Is N2 an oxidizing agent?

Nitrogen is not an oxidizing agent.

What is the oxidizing agent in butane combustion?

The oxidizing agent is oxygen.

The substance that accepts electrons from another substance is the?

In a redox reaction, the substance that accepts electrons is said to be the substance reduced. This substance is also likely the oxidizing agent, since oxidation is the loss of electrons.