

What is the pH halogens?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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9y ago

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Halogens as molecules haven't a pH.

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Q: What is the pH halogens?
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Group 17 (known as Halogens)

What cause Alkali and Halogen to react?

Alkalis are defined as alkalis because the have a high pH (hydrogen potential). This means they are willing to accept hydrogen ions and therefore give off electrons. Halogens are defined as halogens because they are in group seven of the periodic table which means they are missing one electron from their outer shell. Alkalis react well with halogens because of alkalis wanting to give away electrons and halogens wanting to accept electrons, forming ionic bonds.

Elements in Group 17 are all called?

Halogens Apex ;)

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Halogens are in Group 7

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Halogens are not salts but they are chemical elements; halogens can form salts reacting with metals.

Halogens are radioactive or not?

No, halogens are reactive however and can be dangerous.

Are halogens reactive?

Yes, halogens are extremely reactive.

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Halogens are not like metals. Halogens are elements missing one electron for full valency.

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Most reactive group of nonmetals?

The Halogens. Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine, with Fluorine being the most reactive.

What is another name for the group 17 elements?

Another name for Group 17 (VIIA) Elements is Halogens.

What family of elements contains the most active nonmetals?

The halogens are are the most active nonmetals. There're 5 non-metallic elements in the halogen family. The term "halogen" means "salt-former" & compounds containing halogens are called "salts".They are: Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine & Astatine