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Q: What is the pH level of dog treats?
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What does it mean with a dog has a Low pH level?

He's on acid

What were dog treats invented for?

Dog treats wher invented for rewarding your dog when he/she does good.

12 dog treats?

12 dog treats equals 12

How much does dog treats cost?

dog treats costs vary because of different kinds of dog treats and different brands you need to be more specific

How to Select the Best Dog Treats?

Dog treats come in many flavors, sizes and brands. If you have a new puppy and are trying to train him to be man’s best friend, dog treats are the answer. Many dog treats have dental benefits as well as nutritional benefits. There are many recipes for making homemade dog treats as well. Dog treats can be beneficial when training your dog or if you just want to give him a treat. They come in a variety of forms such as biscuits, bones and treats. Some of the flavors include beef, chicken, liver, pork and bacon flavor. Dog treats labeled as premium can be fairly expensive. Just because they are labeled premium does not mean that they have the highest quality ingredients. Be sure to read labels to verify the quality of the treats upon purchase. Your dog’s activity level is also a huge factor in choosing dog treats for your dog. If you are looking to train your dog, you should lean towards the smaller sized treats as opposed to larger bits as the smaller ones are lower in calories. This is better for the dog due to the increases consumption of treats during training sessions. This will prevent the dog from filling up too fast and getting relaxed. If your dog has pre-existing medical conditions, allergies or other health problems, you may want to get the more nutritional treats. Dogs that have kidney problems would be better with dog treats that are low in protein and sodium. If you have a fairly active dog, treats that are high in protein and fat would be suitable because they have more complex nutrition needs that other dogs. Protein and fat enriched dog treats give active dogs the fuel they need to build and maintain muscle mass as well as high energy levels while training. There are people that prefer to feed their dog raw dog treats to get the maximum protein intake possible.

What has a pH level of 3?

Apples have a pH level of 3. Also, soda has a pH level of 4, and vinegar's pH level is 2.5.

What is the pH level of orange?

The pH level of an orange is 4.3.

Are cheerios good treats for dogs?

Cheerios are not bad for dogs but look and see if you have any time to go to pet smart and get real treats. Dog treats there are cheap and great quality for a dog. My dog goes crazy for those treats!

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the pH level is 1.1

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With dog treats?