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Q: What is the pH of minute maid tropical punch?
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What is the pH of Minute Maid apple juice?

Regular Minute Maid orange juice has the same level of acidity as other brands of orange juice. Minute maid has developed a lower acid formula for those who desire or need lower acid level in their diet.

What the pH the water should be for tropical fish to survive?

Different species of tropical fish require different pH settings. Generally, a tropical fish will thrive in a pH of between 6.5 to 7.5.

Why dous the PH have to be 5.5 so the tropical fish survive?

The pH in tropical systems should never be that low. Tropical systems need a pH of around 7.8-8.4. Always a little high with higher salinity and temperatures as well.

What pH should the water be for tropical fish?

they vary on species and lake or river of species.

What to do to control the PH of the water for tropical fish?

There are a couple of things you can do to control the pH of the water for tropical fish. You can for example drain the water and start over.

Why should the pH for tropical fish be 7?

When setting up an aquarium we must allways try and simulate the fish's natural environment as best as possible. If a fish is found in water with a PH range of 6.0 - 7.0 that will be the range we would try and keep with-in an aquarium. As for the question "Why should the pH for tropical fish be 7" that is a bit of a trick question as different tropical fish have different PH ranges.

What is the pH level of Kool-aid?

Using tap water or drinking water from the grocery store, which has a pH of about 8, the pH of Kool-Aid mixes we used (cherry, tropical punch, grape, and lemonade) ranged from 2.6 to 2.7. Little more alkaline than lemon juice (2.18) and white vinegar (2.22) and little more acidic than Gatorade (2.83), Mountain Dew (3.01), and orange juice (3.80).

What is the pH value of forest soil?

Plants in the rainforest tend to grow at an optimal pH of 5-6, therefore that is around the average pH level of the soil found in tropical rainforests.

What PH th4e water for tropical fish to survive?

It depends on what type of tropical fish you are intending to keep; it ranges from 6 (freshwater & discus) to 8.5 (for cichlids).

What the pH should be in water for tropical fish to survive?

Different varieties of fish thrive best in different pH readings. In general, a community tropical aquarium should be kept around 7.0; goldfish and livebearers such as guppies like 7.5; angelfish and tetras, 7.2-7.5; mollies and swordtails, 7.2 to 7.5. Your best bet is to buy a pH test kit from the pet store and test the pH in your tank's water. However, I find that my tanks maintain good pH just with regular maintenance, so I don't test pH unless I suspect a problem.

What pH should the water be in order for tropical fish to survive?

It is better for the fish to be put in water that it was found in.

What is eating your tropical fish?

More often than not it the larger fish in your tank, check your PH and nitrates.