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Q: What is the pairing numbers today?
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What is a pairing of each number a given set of numbers?

If I understand the question correctly, it is a mapping.

What is a pairing energy?

A pairing energy is the extra binding energy associated with pairs of nucleons of the same kind - which results in nuclei which have odd numbers of protons or neutrons having a lower binding energy and being less stable than those with even numbers.

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Which is an example of complementary pairing in DNA?

guanine pairing with cytosine

What it the rule that explains how nucleotides interact with each other?

Base Pairing Rules

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your luky numbers for today are #12,#45,#33

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The Roman numerals of MMXII are equivalent to 2011 in today's numbers

How many 2 digit combinations can be made from 5 numbers combined with 4 different numbers?

20 There can be two answers to this: I'll assume this is what you meant-> let's say you mean like pairing the numbers 1-5 with the numbers 6-9. 5*4=20

Why is complementary base pairing crucial for life?

Why is complementary base pairing crucial for life?

Are L and Light Yagami lovers?

No , and this relationship was never alluded to in either the series or films . As this is a non-canon pairing, also refered to as " yaoi ". You can choose to support this pairing, but it is not a canon pairing.

Why is the pairing of bases during replication essential for the transmission of inherited traits from the parent offspring?

The pairing of bases during replication is very much essential for transmission of inherited traits from parent to offspring because if we did not have these we wouldn't be any different than anyone else in the world. Our genetics make us who we are today.