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The marrow.

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Q: What is the part of the bone that makes blood cells?
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What part in your body makes blood cells?

Bone Marrow

What is the part of the bone that makes blood?

The substance that makes red and white blood cells within bone is called the bone marrow. Why does the bone do this? You may as well be asking why your heart beats, or why your lungs make you breathe - instinct. The action of making blood cells is an involuntary action, your body knows that it needs to be done, so it carries out the task; you don't have to tell your bone marrow to make blood cells. Most of the marrow in bones - the whitish creamy marrow - produces white blood cells, whereas longer bones such as the femur and the humerus have red bone marrow, and therefore make red blood cells.

In which part of the body are bllod cells manufactured-?

The blood cells are usually manufactured in the bone marrow.

What part of the long bone are blood cells formed in?

In the red bone marrow.

What is the spongy part in the bone?

Where the red blood cells produce and migrate out. The spongy bone also makes up about 20% of the human skeleton.

How do red blood cells make tissues?

Blood, including plasma (the liquid part), red blood cells, white blood cells and plates are a tissue. They do not make tissues. Red bone marrow does makes this tissue.

What blood cells?

Bone marrow, which is part of the lymphatic system, is what produces blood cells.

What substantial part of the bone that produces red blood cells?

bone marrow.

What part of the body do the red blood cells form in?

Red Blood Cells are manufactured in the bone marrow.

What part of the bone helps make red and white blood cells?

Red blood cells are made in the Blood Marrow.

Are red blood cells are made within the bone?

For the most part, red blood cells are made in the marrow of bones.

How does the skeleton produce blood cells?

Bone Marrow- red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow of SOME bones (not all) to carry oxygen and white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow of SOME bones (not all) to help protect against infection.