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Q: What is the part of the egg that provides food for the embryo?
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What inside a reptiles embryo provides food?

The yolk inside the egg.

What is the function of eggyolk and eggwhite?

The egg yolk is the part of the egg which feeds the developing embryo. The egg white protects the egg yolk and and provides additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo.

What provides nourishment for the plant embryo?

The endosperm does. It acts much like yolk in an egg does for the embryo developing in the egg: provides the necessary nutrients for the developing embryo to grow from.

In most mammalian species which structure supplies food to the developing embryo?

The placenta is the part of the amniotic egg that supplies food to the developing animal. The yolk provides it with food, and the albumin supplies water and nutrients.The Yolk. Yolk is a sac that is attached to the embryo that supplies food.

Why is there a yolk inside an egg?

An egg yolk is the part of an egg which serves as the food source for the developing embryo inside.

Does all of the early embryo become part of the chicken?

No , the "white" part of the egg is the food of the developing chick

What does the albumin do in an amniotic egg?

it provides protein to the embryo

What does an egg contribute to an embryo?

It is the mother's gamete. It contains the 23 chromosomes that she provides to the embryo.

What part of the frog egg grows into an embryo?

The little black dot in the egg is the part that grows into an embryo.

Where does the chicken embryo get the food from?

The yolk of the egg.

What does the tadpole egg do?

Provides nutrients and a protective environment for the early embryo.

What provide food for a growing chick inside an egg?

inside an egg, the white part provides food for it. the chicken itself grows in the yolk.