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greater trochanter

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Q: What is the part of the femur which is readily palpable at the hip?
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Is the femur palpable at the hip?

yes if it has a bone prob

Which joint is the fumer bone part of?

The Femur is part of both the hip and knee joints.

Is the femur distal to the tarsals?

The femur is proximal to the tarsals (ankle bones). The femur is the thighbone.

What is the medical term meaning hip socket?

The medical term for the hip socket is acetabulum.

Where is the ball and socket joint located?

Hip, the ball is attached to the end of your femur and the socket is part of the pelvis

Is fracture of the femur the same as fracture of the hip?

Is fracture of the femur the same as fracture of the hip? Yes

What is the lateral portion of the hip bone called?

what is the lateral part of the hip called

Where are the hip bones?

Your hip and back bone take the same interesting role in your body. The hip and back bones make you run, walk, sit, stand, bend, and anything else involving moving. If you did not have those bones in your hip and your back, you'd be like a giant spaghetti! the hip bone protects the organs in your ribs.

Scientific name for hip?

The scientific name for the hip bone is the "os coxae" or "innominate bone."

What does femur mean?

The Femur is the bone that goes from your hip down to your knee. Femur length would mean how long the Femur is.

Where is the longest bone in the human body that articulates with the coxal bone?

The coxal bone is part of the hip joint.The longest bone in the body is the femur, thigh bone, which is a ball and socket joint with the hip joint or coxal bone.

What is the acetabulofemoral?

* deep socket in the coxal bone* formed where the ilium, ischium, and pubis bones fuse* the head of the femur, the thigh bone, fits in the acetabulumAcetabulum is the area on the pelvis where the head of the femur joins the pelvis. It is a concave surface that allows for the forming of the hip joint which allows you kick your leg up.The hip has these two bowl shaped regions into which the upper femur fits. This is the hip joint. That bowl shaped region is called the acetabulum.