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175 microns or less

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Q: What is the particle size of coarse dusts and granules?
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What is coarse sand?

Coarse sand is typically bigger in diameter than fine sand. While fine sand typically consists of sand granules that measure up to a quarter of a millimeter in size, coarse sand typically measures between one half and a full millimeter in size.

What is granules is sugar is a granules?

The size of the granules differ depending on what kind of sugar you are talking about.

What is the difference between particle size and crystallite size?

crystallite is the average size of the particle whereas the particle size denotes the individual size of the particle.

How do the mass and size of an alpha particle compare with mass and size of beta particle?

The mass and size of an alpha particle compare with the masa and size of beta particle in the sense that the alpha particle is significantly larger in both size and mass that the beta and gamma particles. This is why it is called the alpha particle.

Do particles have fixed size?

Particle size depends on the type of particle.

What affects Bed load particle size?

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What happens to capillarity as particle size increases?

As particle size in increases, capillarity decreases

How does particle size affect permeability and porosity and capillarity in aquifers?

Percolation is the amount of water that enters soil during a given timeframe. Different soil types have different rates and the size of the particle affect how quickly the water will penetrate the water.

Clastic sedimentary rocks are primarily classified on the basis of?

particle size

What is particle size distribution in sieve analysis?

Distribution of soil particles for identifying the type of soils ie., wherther it is well graded or uniform graded or poorly graded soil.And also fine sand, medium sand coarse sand or fine gravel, medium gravel, coarse gravel etc.

How particle size affect solubility?

Particle size affects solubility. When particle size is small, the surface area per unit volume is larger, thus the solubility is increased.

What size is coarse aggregate?

20 mm thick coarse aggregate use in slab cast