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This Question is simple. It is called Hereditary. Many people confuse this with DNA or Genetics. Well DNA is the structure and function of cells and Genetics is the whole Chriteria's name.

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Heredity in humans.

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Q: What is the passing traits from parent to offspring?
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The passing of traits from parent to offspring is?

InheritanceHeredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.

The passing of traits from parent to offspring?

The passing of traits form parent to offspring is called heredity give this answer to my science teacher mrs.roachThe passing of traits from parents to offspring is called heredity.

What Is called the passing of traits from parents to offspring?

The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called heredity.

What is the passing of characteristics or traits from parents to their offsping is?

The passing of traits from parent to offspring is , Heredity .

Passing of traits from parent to offspring?


What are the passing of traits from parent to offspring?

Genes passing by sexual or asexual reproduction.

What is the passing of traits fro parent to offspring called?


In human reproduction when are traits passed from parent to offspring?

Hereditary traits are the traits passed from parent to offspring in human reproduction. Eye color, hair color, freckles, nose size, and others are hereditary traits.

What is a parent organism?

A parent organism is an organism that produces offspring through reproduction. It contributes genetic material to its offspring, passing on inherited traits and characteristics.

The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called?

The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called heredity. Offspring inherit characteristics such as eye color, height, and blood type from their parents through a combination of genetic material from both parents.

What is the passing of traits from one generation from another?

Known as 'hereditary' conditions capable of being transmitted from parent to offspring through the genes

Passing of characteristics from parent to offspring?
