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Q: What is the past participle of work and teach?
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What is the past participle of teach?

Taught is the past participle of teach. infinitive: teach past: taught past participle: taught

Past participle of teach?

The past participle (and simple past) is taught.

What is the past tense for throw teach?

The past tense of "throw" is "threw" and the past tense of "teach" is "taught."

What is the participle of teach?

Taught is the past participle; teaching is the present participle.

What is the past and past participle for teach?

The past form of "teach" is "taught" and the past participle form is also "taught."

What is the past participle teach?

The past participle of "teach" is "taught."

What is past participle of teach?

The past participle of "teach" is "taught".

What is the past participle of work?

The past participle of worked is also worked.

What is the past and past participle of teach?

Both forms are "taught".

What is taught?

"Taught" usually refers to the act of instructing or providing knowledge on a specific subject or skill. Teachers, instructors, or experts teach various topics such as math, science, literature, music, art, language, sports, and many other subjects. The aim of teaching is to help others learn and acquire new knowledge or abilities.

What is the past participle of the word teach?


What is the past tense and past participle of teach?

The past tense of "teach" is "taught" and the past participle is also "taught."