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No penalty.

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Q: What is the penalty for conspiracy to commit robbery in North Carolina?
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How long can they hold you in jail for conspiracy for robbery in Richmond Indiana?

The sentence for conspiracy to commit robbery in Indiana can be anywhere from?æ15 months to 10 years. This is determined on a case by case basis.

How harsh is the penalty for conspiracy to commit burglary in New Jersey?

10 years imprisoment or life sentence

How many years will you get conspiracy to commit a robbery in the US?

As the statutes differ from state-to-state there is no certain generallized answer to this question.If the conspiracy came to fruition, you could be charged as a principle in the offense, a felony. If the robbery never took place, possibly a misdemeanor.

What is the penalty for bank robbery in mass?

A person could receive up to 7 years in prison if they commit a bank robbery in Pennsylvania. If a person is injured during the bank robbery they could send more time in prison.

What is Kim Dotcom being charged for?

Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering, Conspiracy to Commit Copyright Infringement, Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering, Criminal Copyright Infringement.

Maximum penalty if convicted of conspiracy to commit murder?

Depends on the law where you live. In many areass, the max is life in prison with no parole, or execution.

What is the penalty for solicitation in Washington?

Depends upon what crime you're soliciting. If you're soliciting a serious crime, then the penalty is usually the same as conspiracy or attempt to commit that crime, even if the underlying crime is not completed.

How do you define conspiracy to muder?

Conspiracy to commit murder means that the person had full intent and plans to commit a murder. Also known as premeditated murder.

What are the most common motivations of the crime of robbery?

Many people who commit robbery do so because they are in need of additional money. Some people who commit robbery may simply like the adrenaline rush they get.

Is a conspiracy a crime?

When two or more people gather together to plan or commit a crime, that is a conspiracy.

Can you be charged with strong arm robbery if you didn't take anything?

Yes, even the Attempt to commit a strong arm robbery is an offense - just the same as you would be charged if you attempted the robbery with a gun but got nothing. It is the felonious assault to commit the robbery which is the offense, not whether it was successful or not.

Is conspiracy to commit theft of a firearm a felony?
