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The percentage difference between inhaled and exhaled oxygen is around 5-10%. When we inhale, we breathe in air that contains approximately 21% oxygen, and when we exhale, the air we breathe out contains around 16-17% oxygen due to the exchange of gases that occurs in the lungs.

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Q: What is the percentage difference between inhaled and exhaled oxygen?
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What gas shows the greatest difference in percentage between inhaled and exhaled air?

Oxygen is the gas that demonstrates the largest difference in percent between air that is inhaled, and air that is exhaled. The symbol for oxygen is O.

What is the diffrence between inhaled and exhaled?

If you 'inhaled' something, you breathed it in. If you 'exhaled' something, you breathed it out

What are the 3 main difference between the exhaled and inhaled air?

Exhaled air has less oxygen than inhaled air.Exhaled air has more carbon dioxide than inhaled air.Exhaled air is warmer that inhaled air.Maybe the first 2 are redundant, but I think that should work!

What is the differences between inhaled air and exhaled air?

Inhaled air contains a greater volume of oxygen than carbon dioxide. Exhaled air is the opposite, since after the exchange of gases in the lungs the carbon dioxide in the blood is transferred into the lungs. Exhaled air contains a greater volume of carbon dioxide than oxygen. Also, there is more water vapour in exhaled air than inhaled air.

Whats are the differences between inhaled and exhaled air?

Exhaled air contains CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and Inhaled air contains O2(Oxygen).

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No, argon makes up a very small percentage of both inhaled and exhaled breath, around 0.93% in the atmosphere. The composition of argon in exhaled breath is almost the same as in inhaled breath, as we do not metabolize it.

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Which air is heavier out of inhaled air and exhaled air?

Exhaled air is heavier than inhaled air. This is because exhaled air contains higher levels of carbon dioxide, which is denser than the oxygen-rich air that is inhaled.

Why inhaled gases is different from exhaled gases?

Inhaled gases is oxegen and exhaled gases you CAN'T brethe in because it's carbon dioxide.

How much nitrogen is inhaled and exhaled air?

The percentage inhaled is roughly 79% but it is only 74% when exhaled. The volume of Nitrogen does not change but the percentage out of all the exhaled gas decreases as there is far more CO2 and Water Vapour. Nitrogen itself not actually used up by the body, it is simply a byproduct of the nitrates and various emissions involved in photosynthesis from plants and various algae that get pumped with whimsical abandon into the atmosphere. Typical trees. Lest not forget the delicate equilibrium between humans and plants.

What are differences between inhaled and exhaled?

Inhaling is taking something into the body and exhaling is emitting things out of the body.