

What is the percentage of birth defects in America?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the percentage of birth defects in America?
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What is the percentage of babys born with birth defects?

About half of the population is born with genetic defects....1/3 of us dont know it..

What is the percentage of birth defects rate in south Africa?

in 2011 it is 19.48 on March 11, 2011

Did Jesus have any birth defects?

No he did not have any birth defects.

What are the various birth defects?

There are thousands of identified birth defects. Birth defects are abnormal developments present at birth that can cause physical or mental disability. Some, but not all are fatal.

What effect does alcohol have on birth or birth defects?

fetal alcohol syndrome

How have birth defects affected America?

Birth defects have resulted in increased awareness of the risk factors associated with certain drugs and activities during pregnancy. They have also increased the need for special needs education and wheelchair friendly facilities.

Is an agent that can cause birth defects known as amniocentesis?

No; a teratogen is an agent that can cause birth defects.

How are anticonvulsants linked to birth defects?

Drugs given to prevent seizures can cause serious problems in the developing fetus,including mental retardation and slow growth. Studies in the United Kingdom and Australia have tracked the percentage of birth defects caused by certain antiepileptic drugs

What is the medical term meaning an agent that causes birth defects?

A teratogen is an agent that causes birth defects.

Can taking cipro cause birth defects?

Birth defects are possible in pregnant patients taking Cipro. It has not been proven that Cipro is the cause of the defects, however.

What are the four categories of birth defects?

The four causes of birth defects are body metabolism,function of structure, and heart.

Are females more likely to have birth defects?

Actually, males have more birth defects that females. World wide, per 1 female that has a birth defect, 150 males have either died or are suffering from a birth defect.