

What is the percentage of kids complaining about homework?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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I suspect there's no official statistic for this, but you'd have to put it somewhere around 99% given that no child should really want to do homework.

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No studies have been done on this

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i would assume none according to my experience, but there has to always be a margin for error, so my final answer is: none.There are actually plenty of kids who enjoy learning and like the challenge of doing their work.

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No studies have been done but most kids do their work so they don't flunk out of class

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No studies have been done, but most kids do have homework

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Of people who have a clue, nearly 100%. Of lazy kids, probably closer to 0%.

Why do kids get stressted over homework?

36% percent of kids get stressed about homework. if you want more info, go to it has alot of facts about kids having stress over homework and other things.