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Q: What is the periodic transfer of the coast of an intangible assets to expense referred to as?
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The periodic transfer of the cost of an intangible asset to expense is referred to as?


The periodic transfer of the cost of an intangible asset to expense?


What is The term applied to the periodic transfer of a fixed asset's cost to expense is?


Is prepaid loan cost is intangible?

It is a prepaid expense to be expensed over time. Not an intangible.

Does amortization have a cash expense?

No amortization is done for intangible assets like depreciation for tangible assets and it also does not involve cash expense.

What is an example of an amortized expense?

The costs of long-lived intangible assets, such as patents, are allocated across time periods and reclassified as amortization expense.

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what is difference between tangible or intangible?

Is taxes a intangible assets?

Taxes are never an asset (unless you are the government), you have to pay taxes which is an expense and or liability depending on when you pay them. An intangible asset is something you can't see or touch, like a patent on something you invent

What is difference between an asset and an expense?

An asset is a debit entry on the balance sheet. It represents a physical item of value, an intangible item of value such as goodwill, or a debtor to the business. An expense is a debit entry on the profit and loss account, and represents a cost to the business.

What is amortization of goodwill?

Amortization is the process of writing off intangible assets such as goodwill,patents, trademarks, license etc. The portion of goodwill(or any other intangible asset) to be amortized in a particular accounting year is treated as revenue expense and is charged to the Profit and Loss Account of that year.

What does periodic or occasional expenses mean?

Water bill is a periodic expenses because they send the bill every three months, the car property tax is another, because it is yearly, the home property tax is yearly, the county decal is yearly, the car tags are yearly, so they are periodic, occasional expenses could be car repair and maintenance to pass inspection, home repair that is needed, moving expense, a needed new computer or work tool, a new car, etc. that you do not incur regularly is an occasional expense, even doctors or hospitals bills. Anything you paid regularly, like rent, mortgage, car insurance, phone is a periodic expense, because it is a monthly, quarter or yearly expense, even loan payments are periodic, if you pay them monthly.

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