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Q: What is the phenomenon of light is responsible for the formation of shadow?
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Did light have shadow?

light did not had shadow and will not have shadow.

Can a reflection be a shadow?

It is actually impossible to reflect a shadow, as a shadow is merely an absence of light. However, what IS reflected is the light surrounding the shadow. When this light is reflected, it forms a reflected image of the light's shape, complete with a lack of light, or shadow. In this way, it can look like a shadow is reflected.

Why is a shadow always on the opposite side of the light source?

Your shadow will fall in the direction opposite the source of light - with you between the light source and the shadow. The direction of your shadow relative to you will depend on what direction you are facing.If you are facing toward the light source, the shadow will be behind you.If you are facing away from the light source, it will be in front of you.If you have the light source to your right, the shadow will be to your left.If you have the light source to your left, the shadow will be to your right.If the light source is directly above you, the shadow will be directly under you.If you move past a light source, your shadow will move from behind you to beside you and then to in front of you.

What is the size of the shadow and the distance of the object from the light source when a shadow is formed?

If you are using a point light source, the shadow's size is the object's size divided by the distance from the light source to the object multiplied by the distance from the light source to the shadow.

Which phenomenon of light establishes its transverse nature of light?