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Mr. syme does not appear in the outsiders movie

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He's Ponyboy's English teacher.

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Q: What is the physical description of Mr. Syme in outsiders?
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What happens between ponyboy and his English teacher?

Mr. Syme is Ponyboy's English teacher. The man is concerned that Ponyboy's grades are falling because he is normally capable of much more. The teacher offers Ponyboy a deal, he tells him that he can write an autobiographical paper on his own and if he turns it in he can have a chance at passing the class. Ponyboy becomes inspired at the thought of getting his story out of his head and onto paper. He ends up writing the story about the Socs and Greasers and about living with his brothers following the tragic death of their parents. The story ends up actually being the book, The Outsiders

How do Winstons interactions with Syme the old man in the pub and Mr Charrington guide him towards his ultimate arrest?

he buys a notebook from Charrington and goes above Charington's shop with Julia. Mr. Charrington is really a member of the thought police so he knows all of the "bad" tings winston has done.

What are the names of all the mr men and little misses?

Mr Tickle Mr Greedy Mr Happy Mr Nosey Mr Sneeze Mr Bump Mr Snow Mr Messy Mr Topsy - Turvy Mr Silly Mr Uppity Mr Small Mr Daydream Mr Forgetful Mr Jelly Mr Noisy Mr Lazy Mr Funny Mr Mean Mr Chatterbox Mr Fussy Mr Bounce Mr Muddle Mr Dizzy Mr Impossible Mr Strong Mr Grumpy Mr Clumsy Mr Quiet Mr Rush Mr Tall Mr Worry Mr Nonsense Mr Wrong Mr Skinny Mr Mischief Mr Clever Mr Busy Mr Slow Mr Brave Mr Grumble Mr Perfect Mr Cheerful Mr Cool Mr Rude Mr Good Mr Christmas Mr Cheeky Mr Birthday

How is the theme of hurting defenceless insects continued in the way dill described tom's wife and mr underwood's description of tom's death?

Its related in the sense that neither of them did anything wrong, and didn't deserve the wrong that came about them.

Who is ponyboy's parents?

Mostly to describe them at the begining, but some he mentions them later on, like when he tells the relationship Darry had with his father.

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What happens between ponyboy and his English teacher?

Mr. Syme is Ponyboy's English teacher. The man is concerned that Ponyboy's grades are falling because he is normally capable of much more. The teacher offers Ponyboy a deal, he tells him that he can write an autobiographical paper on his own and if he turns it in he can have a chance at passing the class. Ponyboy becomes inspired at the thought of getting his story out of his head and onto paper. He ends up writing the story about the Socs and Greasers and about living with his brothers following the tragic death of their parents. The story ends up actually being the book, The Outsiders

Why did ponyboy have to do an assignment?

Because after the deaths, he began to fail Mr. Syme's class. His teacher told him if he wrote a theme (essay) then he would give Pony a C for the semester.

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Mr. Hoo is a plush panda with black, gray, and white fur. He has a round face with large eyes and a friendly expression. His ears are prominent and he is often depicted wearing a traditional Chinese outfit.

How do Winstons interactions with Syme the old man in the pub and Mr Charrington guide him towards his ultimate arrest?

he buys a notebook from Charrington and goes above Charington's shop with Julia. Mr. Charrington is really a member of the thought police so he knows all of the "bad" tings winston has done.

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Mr- Smith - 1983 Mr- Smith Gets Physical 1-7 was released on: USA: 4 November 1983

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Nope. The only people that die are Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, Bob, Johnny, and Dally.

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Mr- Physical Culture's Surprise Party - 1909 was released on: USA: 8 June 1909