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In terms of Physics, we could first consider energy. If you 'play' it by tilting it one way and then the other, then your arm is the source of energy. The beads inside are initially supplied in this way, with gravitational potential energy. As they fall, they lose it to gain kinetic energy. However they continually collide with the spikes, and with each other. In this way, some of the energy converts to sound. Because of the randomness and nature of the collisions, I would imagine that the sound could be described as 'white noise', sound which consists of a wide range of frequencies. The frequencies that would be reinforced would be the ones that would resonate due to the dimensions of the case. That is, the length, and the diameter.

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2w ago

A rain stick works by using gravity to create the sound of falling rain. When the stick is tilted, small pebbles or seeds inside fall through the tube, hitting pegs or nails, which creates a sound similar to raindrops hitting a surface. The angle at which the stick is tilted affects the speed and volume of the sound produced.

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What is the resonance of a rain stick?

The resonance of a rain stick is created by the sound of small beads or seeds falling through the tube and bouncing off the nails or pins inside. This creates a soothing, calming sound that mimics the sound of rain falling.

What is the instrument measuring by a rain gauge and a meter stick?

A rain gauge measures the amount of precipitation (rainfall) that has fallen in a specific area over a period of time. A meter stick is used to measure the depth or height of the water collected in the rain gauge to determine the exact amount of rainfall.

Which is the best refresher for physics in class 12th cbse?

Some popular choices for refreshing physics for Class 12th CBSE include NCERT textbooks, previous years' question papers, online resources like Khan Academy or Physics Galaxy, and revision guides specifically designed for CBSE exams. Find a method that works best for you and stick to a structured study routine to effectively refresh your physics concepts.

How do physicians use physics?

Physicians use physics principles to understand medical imaging techniques like X-rays, MRI, and ultrasound. They also apply physics concepts when prescribing treatments involving radiation therapy, surgery, and medical devices. Understanding the physics behind these technologies helps physicians make accurate diagnoses and provide effective treatments.

How is physics related to social studies?

Physics can be related to social studies through the study of energy sources and their impact on societies, understanding the principles behind technologies that shape modern societies, and examining the role of physics in environmental issues that have social implications. Additionally, physics concepts like force, motion, and energy play a role in understanding historical events such as the Industrial Revolution and the development of transportation technologies.

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the physics behind paper airplane is of aerodynamics

What culture used the rain stick?

Native Americans and west African tribes used the rain stick

Do stick bugs live in rain forests?

Yes stick instects do live in the rain forest. I live near the rain forest at Mount Tambourine, Australia and regularly see stick insects.

Why did they mack the rain stick?

they made the rain stick by putting beans in a hollow tube and closing off both ends.

Who made the first rain stick?

the rain stick was first used in Chile and is a beautifut percussion instrument.

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The math behind aircrafts is very complex gemoetry and physics.

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What is physics behind toys?

That depends on the specific toys.

What word is the area behind a mountain which receives little rain?

A rain shadow.

Who invented the rain stick?

There are a lot of different theories on who invented the rain stick. Some of the people say it was the Aztecs and others think that it was the Diaguita Indians of Chile.