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Q: What is the physiological cause of amenorrhea in pregnancy?
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Why would a woman not get a period?

This is known as amenorrhea. The most common cause for amenorrhea is pregnancy.

Can a female get pregnant if she has amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is one of the presumptive sign of pregnancy. Test yourself with over the counter pregnancy test. Amenorrhea is also due to a hormonal imbalance or you had a hysterectomy.

Causes of primary amenorrhea?


What is exercise induced amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is when the period is gone for other reasons than pregnancy and in this case too much exercise.

What are the common causes of secondary amenorrhea?

Some of the causes of primary amenorrhea can also cause secondary amenorrhea.The most common cause of seconardy amenorrhea is pregnancy.The cessation of menstruation also occurs permanently after menopause or a hysterectomy.

Is it amenorrhea cause death?

i wanna know if menorhagia cause death.

What causes amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is when one or more periods are missed, or an absence of menstruation. Factors that cause amenorrhea include insufficient eating and excessive exercise, pregnancy and breastfeeding, certain medications such as birth control and physical deformities.

Is gyanecosid can be taken to avoid pregnancy?

No it is not a morning after pill and can even be dangerous to use as such. The medicine it's for bringing your period back when you have Amenorrhea, absence of menstruation that is not because of pregnancy.

What are primary causes for secondary amenorrhea?

Causes include pregnancy or breastfeeding, sudden weight loss or gain, intense exercise, stress.

Can LSD cause withdrawal?

No, LSD does not cause physiological dependence.

What are the symptoms of a person who has cancer detected by a false positive pregnancy test?

H- mole. Rapidly enlarging abdomen, amenorrhea and increased level of HCG.

What happens when the pelvicalyceal system is minimally dilated?

Nothing happens. It is physiological phenomena in pregnancy.