

What is the pistil of the male weed plant?

Updated: 3/30/2020
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9y ago

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The pistil is the female part of a flower. It is usually surrounded by stamens. The pistil eventually turns into the "fruit" of the plant.

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Q: What is the pistil of the male weed plant?
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What is the male and female parts of a plant?

female: Pistil Male:stamen

What are the male female part of the plant?

The pistil is the female part and the stamen is the male part

What does the stamen and pistil do?

The stamen is the male reproductive system of a plant, while the pistil is the female reproductive system. These parts help the pistil's ovary to produce seeds. The seeds will then go on to continue that species of plant.

What part of the male marijuana plant do you cut off to make it a female?

The pistil.

What are the male and female part of a plant?

The female part is the pistil. The pistil usually is located in the center of the flower and is made up of three parts: the stigma, style, and ovary.The male parts are called stamens and usually surround the pistil. The stamen is made up of two parts: the anther and filament.

What should you do wit a male weed plant?

destroy them

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How do you determine if a plant is a male or a female?

plants are both male and female. the male parts are called the stamens and the female parts are called the pistil. bees help to spread the stamen's pollen to the pistil, which fertilizes the plant's eggs located in the some plants such as cucumbers or palm trees are just one sex not sure how to determine it.

What weed plant do you smoke male or female?

You smoke the female. Male's produce seeds.

Where does fertilization takes place in a flowering plant?

Fertilization takes place in the middle of the flower between the stamen and the pistil. Fertilization, called pollination, occurs when pollen is transferred between the stamen (male part) and pistil (female part). Most plant flowers have both a stamen and pistil but there are also plants with separate male flowers and female flowers and there are also male and female plants where all the flowers on one are male and all the flowers on the other are female.

Why is the stamen the female part?

It isn't. The stamen is known as the male part of a plant. The pistil is known as the female part.

In his experiments with plants Mendel removed which part of the plant to prevent unwanted fertilization?

the male parts