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Q: What is the place where a neuron communicate with a muscle fiber or gland or another neuron?
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A motor neuron together with the muscle fiber it innervates?

it is the motor unit

What is the substance that halts the stimulation of a muscle fiber by a neuron called?


How are the Neuron and skeletal muscle fiber connected?

they are connected with the rope in the body

How is a skeletal muscle fiber stimulated by a motor neuron?

motor unitUnit

The motor neuron and the muscle fiber it controls constitute a what?

Motor Unit :)

The synapse of a motor neuron with a muscle fiber is known as the what?

neuromuscular junction

What is the function of the neuromuscular junction is to?

Includes the axon terminal of a motor neuron plus the motor end plate of a muscle fiber. Is where the axons of motor nerves meet the muscle & transmit messages from the brain which cause the muscle to contract & relax.

Each skeletal muscle fiber is controlled by a motor neuron at a single?

neuromuscular junction

For a brief time after an action potential begins a muscle fiber or neuron cannot generate another action potential This time is called the?

five second silence

What is the enzyme found in the synaptic space between a neuron and a muscle fiber that breaks down the excitatory neurotransmitter chemical that originally caused the muscle fiber to contract called?


What substance crosses the gap between a neuron and a muscle fiber?

This substance is called as neurotransmitter. Here it is acetylcholine.

The point of contract between the nerve ending and the muscle fiber is called a motor neuron?

Neuromuscular junction (NMJ)