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Q: What is the planet from shortest to longest periods of rotation?
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The planet with the shortest rotation time?

Jupiter in the planet with the shortest rotation time, with a day approximately 12 hours long.

Does the planet with the shortest revolution have the shortest rotation?

No, the planet with the shortest revolution does not necessarily have the shortest rotation. Revolution refers to the time it takes for a planet to complete one orbit around the sun, while rotation refers to the time it takes for a planet to complete one full spin on its axis. These two periods can be different for each planet.

What is the planet with the shortest rotation?


What planet has the shortest rotation?


Which planet has the longest revolution and which one has the shortest?

Mercury is the shortest and Neptune is the longest

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Which planet has the longest rotation period?

Pluto has the longest REVOLUTION period Venus has the longest ROTATION period

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What planet with the longest rotation?


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Which planet have the longest rotation?

If you count Pluto as a planet its Pluto :D