

What is the planet that could not sustain human life?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Earth is the only planet in our solar system that can sustain human life.

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Q: What is the planet that could not sustain human life?
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If you mean the planet, there is no oxygen or enough heat to sustain life.

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Maybe one of its orbiting moons could, but the planet itself is a gas giant. No.

What is the planet that is known to sustain life?

it is the planet you stand on, Earth

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To sustain life, a planet must have oxygen and a variety of gases, plant life, strong enough gravity and enough clean water.

Has any new planets been discovered if so can they sustain life?

I believe they discovered a planet a couple of years ago, that they named Krypton, but i believe it has been downgraded since then to a dwarf planet or an asteriod. And I don't think it could sustain life. So no superman coming from that planet!

Why is it that earth is considered a living planet?

because it is the only planet that can sustain life.

What is Earth known for?

Earth is currently known for being the only planet in the galaxy that can sustain human life. It is also known as our home.

What plant could you sustain life on and cant be earth?

If you mean another PLANET - None have been found so far.