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Q: What is the planet with nine suns?
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What nine planet lives near the suns?

Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus Earth, PLUTO

Is Mercury the suns moon?

No, a planet.

What is the closest planet to 2 suns?


Which planet has the most suns orbiting around it?

Planets do not have suns orbiting around them. Suns have planets orbiting around them. The planet in our solar system with the highest number of discovered moons orbiting around it is Jupiter, with over 100.

What is kapler-16b?

its a newly discovered planet with 2 Suns ...

Which planet has an atmosphere that protects life from the suns radiation?


Why is mercury the coldest planet?

Because the suns rays do not point to mercry

Which planet reflects only about 6 percent of the suns light?


Which planet has 7 stars?

There are no known planets with 7 stars as its suns.

What type of force provided by the suns gravity keeps the planets in orbit?

the gravititonal pull does; it is what keeps all the planet in the suns orbit xx

What is the link between the suns gravity and the motion of a planet in the solar system?

The Sun's gravity causes a planet to orbit the Sun.

What planet has a atmosphere like the suns?

None. If it had an "atmosphere" like the Sun, it would have to be a star, itself, like the Sun is, not a planet.