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Mercury, 57,909,175km or 0.39AU

Venus, 108,208,930km or 0.72AU

Earth, 149,597,890km or 1 AU

Mars, 227,936,640km or 1.52AU

Jupiter, 778,412,010km or 5.20AU

Saturn, 1,426,725,400km or 9.54AU

Uranus, 2,870,972,200km or 19.19AU

Neptune, 4,498,252,900km or 30.07AU

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Q: What is the planets distance from the sun converted into AUs?
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Do planets collide when the distance of the planets from the sun change?

The distance of the planets from the sun does not change because of the gravity surrounding each planet is pulling them into continuous orbit.

How far away are all of the planets from the sun?

Look in related links, "Planetary Attributes on Wikipedia". The column "Orbital Radius" shows the distance from the Sun, in AU. If you want that in kilometers, multiply the number of AUs by 150 million.

Distance from earth the closest to farthest planets?

Neptune is the remotest of the eight planets, and its distance is 30 astronomical units, which means its distance from the Sun is 30 times the Earth's distance from the Sun.

How does the planets distance from the sun affect its conditions?

The farther away from the sun the planet is, the more space it has to cover. Therefore, the planets distance from the sun whereas, if i am half the distance from Earth/Sun, that planet will get more energy. But if I am twice the distance from Earth/Sun, I will receive less energy.

What do the length of the planets year and its distance from the sun have in common?

There is a relationship between the planets distance from the sun and the time taken for one orbit (planets year), described in Keplers third law. The square root of the time taken to orbit the sun is proportional to the cube of the average distance between the sun.

How does the distance between the inner planets differ from the distance between the outer planets?

As the names suggest, the inner planets are closer to the Sun than the outer planets.

What is the relation of the planet's temperature to it's distance?

if you are asking "what is the relation of the planet's temperature to it's distance from the sun" then the answer is: Planets closer to the sun tend to be warmer than planets further from the sun.

How does a planets distance from the sun affect the planets orbit speed?

the closer you are to the sun it affects the planets speed cause of the suns gravitational pull

What would be the period of revolution of a hypothetical planet that is 4 AUs from the sun?

I make it around 2875 days or 7 years 11 months, if we look at the revolution times of all of the other planets, which follow a common law based on distance from the sun.

How does the sun have gravity?

The sun has all the gravity to keep the planets a certain distance from the sun.

What is the average distance of the planets from the sun?

10000000023 km