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Q: What is the plante important witch is importante for life in amazonie?
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What were witch trials and why they were important?

because they werent inportment in the days so they did what they had to do

Why was the Salem Witch Trials important?

Had an effect on the legal sytem of America

Why are witch trials so important today?

Witch trials tell us a lot about human psychology, and about the foolishness and evil that results from ignorance and superstition.

Why is the poppet with needle stuck in it important?

It looks like evidence that Elizabeth is a witch

What do food chains include?

Food chains are a list of animals with who eats who. Their purpose is to show you witch animals eat witch it is very important because if certain animals die out you will know witch the animals will be affected.

What are 10 important events in the witch of black bird pond?

the birth of another child.

What were some important events in the middle colonies?

there was a mini ice age and there were witch trials

Why is it important to have a philosophy?

Philosophy is to find out life's problems otherwise you'll keep on wondering. . . Do you want to hear a joke? OK What did the vampire say to the witch? ANSWER: "You're a witch"

How are the Salem Witch Trials significant to students of America?

It's important for students - and populations-at-large - to be familiar with their country's history. The Salem Witch Trials hold important lessons about persecution, freedom and the foundations of the United States for Americans today.

Can you use witch hazel for hair?

You can use witch hazel for your hair and in fact it will help remove any chemical residue from your hair. It is important to rinse the hair carefully afterwards with warm water, the witch hazel will act as a follicle astringent.

How is slavery the most important role in western civilization?

In no way is slavery the most important role. It is simply history as is Prohibition or the Salem witch trials.

What is the singular possessive for witch?

witch's The witch's cat died last night.