

What is the plastic type on an Airbus A320?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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There are many types of plastic used in the A320.

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Q: What is the plastic type on an Airbus A320?
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After watching it, it seems to be a Airbus A319 or A320. The nose and cockpit windows match that of a A319 and A320. The winglets are only seen in the A310 and A320 series.

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How many engines are there on an airbus a320?

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The Airbus A320 can be powered by either two CFM56-5 engines or two IAE V2500 engines. Regardless of the engines, the plane has the same operating specifications, and the casual passenger notices no difference.

What can compare to the airbus A320?

Mate, Airbus builds the most sophisticated Aircraft in the world ie: A380.. as a pilot i piloted Boing b737 and Airbus A320 i could easily tell you that the A320 is the best in its category. Haven said that.. the B737 -800 NG is good (just one step below the A320)