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The species name of the platypus is ornithorhyncus.

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Q: What is the platypus's species name?
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What species does a duck billed platypuss belong to?

The platypus is a mammal that lays eggs.

What does a platypuss do during the night?

Your moms

What is the epesode on south park called were Kenny turns into a platypuss?

It is called "Damien" and is in the first season, and to be accurate he is turned into a DUCK BILLED platypuss.

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Are platypuss scared of people?

no they are very playful

What is a hot platypuss?

A rolly polly that is a dancing king.

How many mammies don't lay eggs?

Most mammals don't lay eggs, however one special group of mammals called Monotremes. This group consists of five species; one being the duck billed platypuss and the other four are called Echidnas. Out of the approximately 5400 species of mammals, these 5 are the only species that lay eggs.

How many feet does a platypuss have?

A platypus has four feet, one on the end of each of its four legs.

What is a species identifier?

A species name is a scientific name with two parts: the genus name followed by the species identifier. It is written in italics with the genus name capitalized. (The human species name is Homo sapiens. The species identifier is the second part of the species name (and it's lower-case)

What does the scienntific name of species involve?

The Genus name + species name

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What part of a scientific name is the same for similar species?

The Genus name, written before the species name, is similar for related species.