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the group of men are referred to as the three young men within the framed narrative of the tale they are used by the pardoner to portray greed and sins the dwell in the irony of the 3ym is they search for death to destroy it but end up dying themselves due to greed of money which they stumble across.

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1mo ago

The plot of the Pardoner's Tale in The Canterbury Tales centers around three riotous young men who set out to kill Death after a friend of theirs has died. On their quest, they encounter an old man who tells them Death can be found under a tree. When they find the tree, instead of Death, they discover gold coins. Greed leads to betrayal and death among the men.

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14y ago

Three men set out to kill Death, but end up killing each other instead.

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13y ago

If you don't control your greed, it may kill you.

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8y ago

Three young men set out to kill Death.

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Q: What is the plot of the Pardoner's Tale in The Canterbury Tales?
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The first rioter in "The Pardoner's Tale" dies by being stabbed by the other two rioters in a plot to steal the gold they find under the tree. They ultimately murder each other in their greed and mistrust.

What events lead to the climax of pardoners tale?

In "The Pardoner's Tale" by Geoffrey Chaucer, the climax is reached when the three rioters encounter Death disguised as an old man. This encounter leads to a plot to kill Death, but ultimately results in the rioters killing each other over their newfound wealth.

What sins do the young men commit in the pardoners tale?

In "The Pardoner's Tale", the three young men commit the sins of greed, drunkenness, and violence. They plot to kill Death but end up betraying each other out of greed for the treasures they find. Their actions ultimately lead to their own demise.

Are the tales in The Canterbury Tales real?

No, The Canterbury Tales are a work of fiction written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century. They are a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury. The characters and stories are fictional, although they may have been inspired by real people and events.

Why does the mother call its a fairy tale despites its gruesome plot?

The mother may call it a fairy tale despite its gruesome plot because fairy tales often involve magical or fantastical elements, even if they also contain dark or challenging themes. By referring to the story as a fairy tale, the mother may be highlighting its imaginative and symbolic qualities rather than focusing solely on its disturbing aspects.

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The revelers' actions toward one another represent greed, betrayal, and distrust. They ultimately plot to deceive and murder one another in pursuit of the gold, showcasing the destructive nature of human vices.

Is a fairy tale a novel?

No, a fairy tale is not a novel. Fairy tales are usually short stories, often passed down orally through generations, that include elements of magic and folklore. Novels are longer, fictional prose works that typically have a more complex plot and character development.

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