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plural forms are uteri or uteruses.

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Q: What is the plural for uterus?
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Related questions

What is the plural of the word 'uterus?

Uteruses is the plural of uterus

What is the plural form of uterus?

Uteri.The plural of uterus is uteri. It's unusual to talk about groups of uteri!

What is the muscular organ in which a fertilized egg develops?

That would be the uterus, my good fellow. Or the womb.

The baby growing in the womb?

In the Uterus.

What does a uterus mean?

A hard uterus means an enlarged uterus. An enlarged uterus can be a symptom of pregnancy or fibroid tumors. If you think you are pregnant or have a hard uterus consult a physician.

What is the scientific name of uterus?

The scientific name of the uterus is exactly that. It is the organ that houses the fetus when it is growing. The colloquial term for uterus is "womb".

What does a hard uterus mean?

A hard uterus means an enlarged uterus. An enlarged uterus can be a symptom of pregnancy or fibroid tumors. If you think you are pregnant or have a hard uterus consult a physician.

Can you massage the uterus?

No, the uterus is internal.

What is a pig uterus?

female fetal pig uterus and a human uterus- What are some of their differences?

What is infantile uterus?

A small-sized uterus; a uterus that has failed to attain adult characteristics.

What is a myomatous uterus?

A myomatous uterus is a uterus with fibroids, or benign tumors of the uterine muscle.

What are consequences of having a bifurcated uterus?

A bifurcated uterus is a structural abnormality of the uterus. This is when the cavity where the uterus is suppose to be is empty. The uterus is heart-shaped. Theses individuals are usually sterile (can't have kids).