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The plural of symposium is symposia.

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Q: What is the plural form of this word symposium?
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Related questions

What is the foreign and English plural form of symposium?

The foreign plural form of symposium is symposia, while the English plural form is symposiums.

What is the plural form of symposium?

Symposia or symposiums

What is the British plural of symposiums?

Symposiums already is a (British??) plural of Symposium. The other accepted plural form is symposia.

What is the plural possessive form of the noun scientist?

The plural form for the noun scientist is scientists.The plural possessive form is scientists'.Example: The scientists' symposium was quite successful.

What is the possessive form of the plural noun scientist?

The plural form for the noun scientist is scientists.The plural possessive form is scientists'.Example: The scientists' symposium was quite successful.

What happens at a symposia?

The word is the plural of symposium, meaning a conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject

Is symposia singular or plural?

Symposia is plural (symposium is singular)

What is symposia?

Symposia is plural for symposium. A symposium is a meeting or conference to discuss a particular subject. Sometimes a collection of essays is presented at a symposium.

What is the plural form of country?

There is no plural form for the word, countries. This word itself is a plural.

What is a synonym for symposium?

The plural for symposium is symposia or symposiums.

What is the plural form of the word inferno?

The plural form of the word "inferno" is "infernos."

What is the english plural of symposium?

The English plural is symposiums. The Latin plural symposia is also used.