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The plural possessive is twin sisters'.

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Q: What is the plural possessive of twin sisters?
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Is sisters' plural or singular?

The word sisters' is plural possessive. The singular is sister, singular possessive is sister's; the plural is sisters, the plural possessive is sisters'.

What is the plural possessive noun for the word sisters?

The word sisters is the plural form; the plural possessive is sisters'.

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The plural form is sisters-in-law.The plural possessive is sisters-in-law's.Example: All of my sisters-in-law's children are boys.

What is the plural possessive form of twin?

The plural form for the noun twin is twins.The plural possessive form is twins'.Example: The twins' names are Jack and Jill.

What is the plural possessive form for sister-in-law?

The plural of the noun sister-in-law is sisters-in-law.The plural possessive is sisters-in-law's.Example: "Both of my sisters-in-law's cars were in my driveway."

Is sister plural or possessive?

The noun 'sister' is not plural and is not possessive.The plural form is sisters.The possessive form is sister's.The plural possessive form is sisters'.

What is the possessive noun for sisters?

The possessive form of the plural noun sisters is sisters'.Example: My sisters' names are Laverne and Shirley.

What is the plural possessive word for sister?

The possessive form of the plural word "sisters" is "sisters'."

What is the possessive of sisters-in-law?

The possessive of sisters-in-law (a plural possessive) is sisters-in-law's.The singular possessive would be sister-in-law's.example: All of my sisters-in-law's children are girls.

How do you change sisters-in-law to possessive case?

Sisters-in-law is a plural noun referring to more than one sister-in-law.The possessive form of this plural noun is sisters-in-law's.

Is sister's a plural noun or a singular noun?

The word sister's is a possessive, singular noun. It can also be a contraction of "sister is".The word sisters is a plural noun and sisters' is a possessive, plural noun.

What is the possessive pronoun for my sister's?

The plural form of the singular noun sister is sisters.The plural possessive form is my sisters'.Example: My sisters' names are Laverne and Shirley.