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to add and subtract

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Q: What is the plus or minus score used for?
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What is a plus or minus score used for in English?

Plus and Minus are mathematical terms in the English language. The word plus is used for addition and minus is for subtraction these terms can also be used in every day life.

What is a plus and minus score used for?

Telling someone if they are good or a failure.

How is math used in gymnastic-rithimic?

maths is used when they are getting the scores for example you start off with a perfect ten plus judge score minus execution and artistry score 10.000+2.1-3.2-2.5=7.400

Does plus minus mean plus?

Same mathematical signs equal plus Different mathematical signs equal minus Plus Plus = Plus (+)(+) = + Minus Minus = Plus (-)(-) = + Plus Minus = Minus (+)(-) = - Minus Plus = Minus (-)(+) = - So the direct answer to your question would be: plus minus equals minus

Why do you use a plus or minus score in writing?

beacuse you need to learn how to add sentences together and how to subtract or (seperate) them

Which is better a plus 2 handicap or a minus 2 handicap?

This is where someones handicap is less than 0. When you have your gross score you actually add your handicap on to calculate your nett score.

What is a plus and a plus if a plus and a minus is a minus?

A plus + a plus is a plus.

Calculate the following 7 - -2 equals?

A minus and a minus makes a plus A plus and a plus makes a plus A minus and a plus or plus and a minus makes a minus 7 - -2 is a minus and a minus Therefore the answer is 7 + 2 = 9

(-45) - (-55)?

(-45) - (-55) *Minus plus is equals to minus.( -,+ = - ) minus minus is equal to plus (-,- = + ) and plus plus is equal to plus (+,+ = +) so the ans is that, (-45) +55 -45 + 55 (+10)ans Greater value sign has been used, which is 55 so the ans is +10.

Is an IQ score of 126 good or bad?

It is good and above average. Normal is 100, plus or minus 10 points.

What does a minus plus a minus equal9?

A minus plus a minus will give a sum with a minus also.

What does E on the DIFF in Hockey stats mean?

it's referring to the plus/minus stat while a player is on the ice. Is the team PLUS a number of goals or MINUS a number of goals? Well, the E stands for EVEN, as the players team has played to an EVEN score while he has been on the ice. Not plus, and not minus. E for EVEN. (Inn)