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Q: What is the political situation in rome as the scene ends in Julius Caesar?
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What scene was Caesar killed in Julius Caesar?

In Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, the murder of Caesar takes place in Act III Scene i. Act III Scene ii is the scene containing Caesar's funeral and Antony's famous speech, "Friends, Romans, Countrymen"

What is antonys response to Caesar's instructions in act 1 scene 2 of Julius Caesar?

His response to Julius Caesar was .. would you like a Caesar salad ? :)

What was portias feelings in this scene in Julius Caesar?

he died

What does scene one act one of Julius Caesar reveal about the atmosphere and political situation in rome?

They are fickle. When Brutus speaks, they go along with Brutus; when Antony speaks, they go along with him. And since Antony is arousing them to feelings of violence and hatred, he is much more successful than Brutus, since crowds are much more easily incited to violence and hatred than to reasonableness. Current events show us that this has not changed one iota since then.

At the beginning of the play the people of rome are celebrating Julius caesar?

This is a true statement. In Act I, Scene 1 of the play Julius Caesar, the people are parading in the streets, celebrating the victory of Julius Caesar in Rome.

How does Julius Caesar respond to what the soothsayer tells him in scene 2?

In Act I Scene ii of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, a soothsayer warns Caesar, "Beware the Ides of March" Caesar decides to ignore him. He says "He is a dreamer. Let us leave him. Pass"

What does lucius give brutus in scene one of Julius Caesar?

A letter.

Did Caesar die in act three of Julius Caesar?

Yes, in Scene 1. Act 3 scene 1 is usually a good scene in any Shakespearean play.

What Act and scene in Julius Caesar is the quote Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war?

Mark Antony says it in Act 3 Scene 1 of Julius Caesar, just after Brutus has given him leave to speak at Caesar's funeral.

Who said good morrow Caesar in Julius Caesar?

Publius in the play Julius Caesar. In Act II scene 2, at the end right before sceen three. Publius: Good morrow, Caesar.

In scene 1 of Julius Caesar what are the workers celebrating?

The workers and general people of Rome are celebrating the triumph of Julius Caesar over Pompey.They are celebrating Caesar's defeat of the sons of Pompey.

Who wins the first battle in scene 2 of Julius Caesar?

You need to specify the act as well as the scene.