

What is the population for zebras?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No one knows because their are so many of them.

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Q: What is the population for zebras?
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What are some variations in the zebras population?

In the zebra population there are variation in the stripes. Genes are responsible for variation in their stripes and there are no two zebras that are alike.

What is the population of zebras?

The population stands at 2,623 for the Kenya Gravy zebra.

What is the population of plain zebras?

About 2000-6000?

Are zebras becomeing extinctetive amimals and if so why?

I live in Kenya, and there is no alarming worry over the population of zebras

A group of zebras breaking off from the herd decreases the size of the herd population?

population density

Would have the greatest impact on the survival of a population of zebras in Africa?

climate change

What is the population of zebras in the world?

Today there are only about 2500 Grevy Zebras remaining. There are 800-1300 Hartmann's mountain zebras and 600-700 cape mountain zebras.

What is a zebras population?

If you're talking about stuff like lion prides and wolf packs, then zebras live in herds. If you're NOT talking about that type of stuff, well then, you're on your own bub. probally google it..(:

Suggest an explanation for why there are fewer lions than zebras on the African plains?

Generally, predators are less populated than their prey. Zebras are herbivores, meaning the grass of the African plains will always be there for them to eat. Lions, on the other hand, have to deal with the fluctuating population of the zebras and other animals for their food.

Are zebras endanegered?

Grevy's zebra and the Cape Mountain zebra are endangered species, but the Plains zebra has a viable population.

Do zebras have baby zebras?

Of course they do! How would the zebra species still be 'alive' if the adult zebras didn't have baby zebras. Of course they have babies.

Do zebras have fathers?

Zebras reproduce sexually, so zebras do have fathers.