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Millions, if including very small bodies.

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Q: What is the population of the asteroids in the asteroid belt?
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Most asteroids orbit the sun in the?

Actually there are an place of Asteroids. Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars ASTEROID Belt. So why I capitalized the word ASTEROID on ASTEROID Belt. Because this Belt is full of Asteroids

What belt of these is found between Mars and Jupiter?

Asteroids. There are many thousand in the Main Belt that occupies an empty orbit between Mars and Jupiter. The largest asteroid, Ceres, has been classified as a "dwarf planet" and contains about 1/3 of the total mass of asteroids in the Main Belt.

Is earth in the asteroid belt?

There are asteroids around, but the asteroid belt is out beyond the planet Mars.

Which planets are the asteroid belt?

There are no planets in the asteroid belt. There are asteroids and the dwarf planet Ceres.

Are all asteroids in the main asteroid belt?

No. There are other asteroid belts besides the main asteroid belt in our solar system. Also, there are asteroids outside our solar system.

How many satellites does the asteroid belt have?

the Asteroid belt has no satelites all the asteroids that make up the belt is another asteroids satelite so there would be thousands of satelites

What is a band of asteroids called?

The band of asteroids is called (the asteroid belt)

Where were most asteroids found?

the asteroid belt

Are asteroids that have left the asteroid belt?


How do meteors get knocked out of the asteroid belt?

Meteors are rocks that enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up. They can originate from the asteroid belt through collisions, where the impact can knock them out of the asteroid belt's orbit and send them hurtling towards Earth. These celestial bodies become meteors once they enter Earth's atmosphere and create a bright streak of light as they burn up due to friction.

Is Earth located inside the asteroid belt?

No most of the asteroids are in the asteroid belt which is between Mars and Jupiter.

What is a group of objects that orbits between mars and Jupiter?

It's called the Asteroid belt. See the related link for more informtion.