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1,669,807mi2 (499,021,782km2)

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Q: What is the population of the european union?
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Which has the largest popllation the US or the European union?

The European Union. The United States has a population of approximately 300 million. The total combined population of European Union member nations is about 500 million.

What is the European union country with the least population?

Malta is the smallest and least populous of the European Union countries.

How many people live in the countries within the European Union?

The population of the European Union is roughly half a billion.

What is the largest European Country in terms of population?

With a population of about 82 million Germany is the largest country in the European Union in terms of population.

What is the biggest country in European union by population?


Who has an older age group over 60 European Union or Africa?

The European Union has the largest population of 60+ people.

How many people are now in the European Union?

The total population of the 28 countries of the European Union in 2015, is about 508 million and rising.

Which are the European Union countries with the highest population?

Germany and France

How did the European Union cause a population shift in Europe?

People moved to the countries in the European Union for the better standard of living, from other countries.

What is the largest country in Europe that does not belong to the European union?

Russia by both area and population. However, the largest country wholly in Europe that is not a part of the European Union is the Ukraine, also by both area and population.

Which is the largest country in the European Union by population?

The largest country by population in the European Union is Germany, with 82 million in population. Followed by the United Kingdom at just over 64 million and France at just under 64 million.

What country in the EU is the largest?

The largest country in the European Union by land area is France. In terms of population, Germany is the largest country in the EU.