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Some potential benefits of cloning humans, animals, plants, etc. would be cloning needed body parts for sick people, cloning important people, cloning missed, loved ones, etc.

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Q: What is the potential benefits of cloning human beings?
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Do the benefits of human cloning outweigh the coast of human dignity?

I'm not sure if the benefits of human cloning outweigh the coast of human dignity or not?

What benefits to humanity does human cloning offer?

it can be dangerous

Is cloning illegal?

The disscussions of cloning are still very vague. It is well known that the cloning of human beings is illegal, due to religious problems. On the other hand the cloning of plants and animals is legal.

In What countries is human cloning legal?

There is no country in the world in which the cloning of human beings is legal, this is due to ethnical and religious reasons. The cloning of plants and animals on the other hand has helped us understand the actual idea of cloning in a different way. On information on the cloning on animals visit the articles on cloning on wiki.

What were the reactions to the news about Dolly the sheep?

hello,some were shocked.· 89% believed that the cloning of human beings was not morally right· 66% believed that the cloning of animals was not morally right· 69% are scared by the connotations of cloning humans· 74% believe that cloning is going against God's will· 19% disagree with the statement that cloning is against God's will· 6% of Americans are in favor of human cloning

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What does Barack Obama say about cloning?

President Obama has never expressed support for cloning human beings, but he agrees with the majority of scientists that it is acceptable to do stem-cell research, as long as it is for the purpose of finding cures for diseases.

What are the functions-benefits of a glabrous leaf?

because it give food and oxegen to human beings.

What is human cloning basically about?

Cloning humans.

What are the ethical issues related to cloning?

It depends which species we are talking about. Cloning of animals and plants does not raise any new ethical issues. Cloning of human beings (which so far has not been done) raises new ethical issues. What is the legal status of cloned people - will they be granted all the same rights as other human beings? Will they be mass produced to be used as soldiers, slaves, etc.? Who will raise them? Will they be genetically modified? If so, are they still people? And so forth.

What is the status of human reproductive cloning in the world?

There is no evidence of successful human cloning in the world.