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Q: What is the practical unit of quantity of electricity?
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The unit of quantity of electricity is?

In the SI standard for physics units (see NIST website,) quantities of electricity are measured in coulombs, same as the quantity of electric charge.

How meany WATS equal to one unit?

if i got your question right, in physics the chapter on practical electricity, 1 kWh is equals to 1 unit

Unit of electricity?

A quantity is an amount, or how much there is of a given thing. In this case, a quantity of electricity would be the amount of electricity used in a given reaction.

How does a quantity differ from a unit?

The difference between quantity and unit in "16 pounds" is the unit is pounds and the quantity is 16.

What is the practical unit of electricity?

'Electricity' is not a quantity, so cannot be measured and, therefore, has no unit of measurement. It is the name of a field of study, just like 'chemistry', etc.A 'unit' of electrical energy is short for 'Board of Trade Unit' (a former government organisation that, at one time, set energy prices in the UK), and is exactly equivalent to a kilowatt hour, which is defined as the amount of energy consumed, over a period of one hour, at a rate of one kilowatt. A unit or kilowatt hour is equal to 3.6 million joules (a joule being the SI unit for energy), and normally costs around £0.15 to buy.

What is a coulom?

The coulomb is the SI unit of measure of electric charge, equal to the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by a current of one ampere.

How much electricity is 12600 MW?

The term, 'electricity', is a generic, all-encompassing term for a branch of science. Electricity, therefore, isn't a quantity, so it cannot be measured.A megawatt is an unit of measurement for power, the rate of transfer of energy.

What is meant by unit of physical quantity?

A standard use for a measurement of a physical quantity is called the unit of that physical quantity

How are ampere and coulomb related?

A Coulomb is the SI unit of electric charge, equal to the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by a current of one ampere.

Does and insulator emit electricity?

'Electricity' is not a quantity, it's a topic. So 'emitting electricity' is quite meaningless. You need to rephrase the question to specify what quantity you are actually referring to when you say 'electricity'.

What measures electricity?

If this question is asking about the box supplied by your utility company which counts the kilowatt.hours you used, so they can send you a bill for electricity, it is called an electricity meter. If you are asking about the name of the standard unit used to measure a quantity of electricity used, it is called the kilowatt.hour (or k.Wh for short.)

What is fradays law of electrolysis?

First LawThe quantity of a substance produced by electrolysis is proprotional to the quantity of electricity used. Second LawFor a given quantity of electricity the quantity of substance produced is proportional to its weight.