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Q: What is the predominant intermolecular force in the liquid state of each of NH3?
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i think it is poo

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Which matter has the maximum intermolecular force?

Solid state matter has maximum intermolecular force.

What is the predominant force between IBr molecules in liquid IBr?

The predominant force between IBr molecules in liquid IBr is Van der Waals forces, specifically dipole-dipole interactions and London dispersion forces. These forces are responsible for holding the IBr molecules together in the liquid state.

What is responsible for holding water molecules together in the liquid state?

The main intermolecular force holding water molecules together in hydrogen bonding. Also, there are diplole-dipole interactions and London dispersion forces. But hydrogen bonds are the major force keeping water in the liquid state.

Do inter-molecular forces occur as a result of being in the liquid state or does a liquid state exist because of inter-molecular forces?

The liquid state is caused by intermolecular forces.

Does water expand when heated and why?

Yes... When water is heated, the intermolecular force of attraction between water atoms become weak and they start losing the intermolecular force of attraction... at temperature known as boiling point of water this intermolecular force become so weak that water lose its state and converts into gasious state... but this expansion is not considerable... :)

Which type of liquid freezes the fastest?

Freezes the fastest can be of 2 mean. For liquid to reach the freezing point first, the liquid with higher molecular mass or stronger intermolecular force would have higher freezing point and can be considered freezing faster. But it might took quite a while to freeze at the freezing point. For liquid to become solid with the least energy transfer required. The liquid with the lowest intermolecular force would change the state faster at freezing point. But the freezing point might be extremely low.

What is the meaning of predominant activity?

Having greatest ascendancy, importance, influence, authority, or force The state of being active.

How will you show that by applying pressure particles of matter can be brought close together?

by applying pressure the particles of matter come and the intermolecular space between them shorten and they change their state from gas to liquid and the intermolecular space between the particles of liquid is more than that of gas.

Why chloroform is in liquid state while iodoform is in solid state?

Iodine is bigger that chlorine. So it can be better polarized so intermolecular forces are more intensive in iodoform.

Why do covalent compounds and ionic compounds have different melting points?

Melting points are a reflection of the intermolecular forces and intramolecular forces of the compound. The stronger the intermolecular force, the more energy it takes to bring it to a different state.