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It depends on how you conjugate it.

Je a

tu as

il/elle/on a

nous avons

vous avez

Ils/Elles on

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Q: What is the present tense for avoir?
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Related questions

How do you know when to use avior and etre in a present tense sentence?

Avoir and Etre can be used for many sentences, avoir is to have and Etre is to be. Example: J'ai vingt ans, I am twenty. (avoir) Example: Tu es petite, you are small. (etre)

How do you tell a verb in the past tense in French?

If the sentence contains the conjugated form of "avoir" as well as the past participle. Present tense: Je chante! Past tense: J'ai chanté!

What is jouer in the perfect tense?

In the perfect tense, "jouer" (to play) is conjugated as follows: J'ai joué (I played) Tu as joué (You played) Il/Elle a joué (He/She played) Nous avons joué (We played) Vous avez joué (You played) Ils/Elles ont joué (They played)

How do you conjugate a french verb eg avoir?

It depends on the verb; avoir conjugates as ai, as, a, avons, avez, ont in the present tense while lancerconjugates as lance, lances, lance, lançons, lancez, lancent. You should look up the verb on for its conjugation.

How do you write do you have in french?

The French verb "avoir" means "to have." In the present tense, it is conjugated as follows: J'ai Tu as Il/Elle/On a Nous avons Vous avez Ils/Elles ont The past participle of avoir is eu. In the past perfect tense, avoir is conjugated as follows: J'avais Tu avais Il/Elle/On avait Nous avions Vous aviez Ils/Ellse avaient In the future tense, avoir is conjugated as follows: J'aurai Tu auras Il/Elle/On aura Nous aurons Vous aurez Ils/Elles auront In the conditional tense, avoir is conjugated as follows: J'aurais Tu aurais Il/Elle/On aurait Nous aurions Vous auriez Ils/Elles auraient

Is past tense or present tense?

Present tense is used to describe things that are happening now or are generally true. Past tense is used to describe things that have already happened.

What is the past tense of watched in french?

The past tense of "watched" in French is "regardé" when referring to the action of watching something.

What is the present tense for is?

The verb is is the present tense.

What is the French word for the English word complete?

to complete - completer to finish - finir to complete/fill something in - remplir These all use avoir in any tense other than present.

You have read an interesting book. this is present tense or present perfect tense?

Present perfect tense.

What is the present tense of will be?

The present tense of "will be" is "am/is/are." For example, "I am," "he is," "they are."

Present tense of did?

The past tense of did is did. The present tense of did is do. The future tense of did is will do.