

What is the pressure in a vacuum?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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12y ago

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There is no pressure in a vacuum, a vacuum is the absence of anything, there is nothing there to push.

Air from a pressurized space that becomes open to a vacuum may push you into the vacuum, but the vacuum itself does nothing as it is literally nothing.

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2mo ago

In a perfect vacuum, there is no pressure because there are no particles present to exert a force on surfaces. This lack of pressure occurs because there is no air or gas to create molecular collisions against a surface.

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vacuum is measured in pressure. To get a vacuum you need a negative pressure. that would be inches of mercury hg

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I am not sure if they are proportional, but they are inversely related. High pressure makes a low vacuum, and low pressure makes a high vacuum.

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Depends on If it's absolute or relative. Vacuum in any unit is zero in absolute pressure. Vacuum in any unit is -normal air pressure in relative pressure.

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The suction of a vacuum is caused by a difference in air pressure inside the vacuum cleaner compared to outside. A motor creates a low-pressure zone inside the vacuum, causing the higher-pressure air outside to push debris into the vacuum cleaner.

Why vacuum pressure is negative?

Vacuum pressure is negative because it is measured relative to atmospheric pressure, which is considered the reference point of zero pressure. When the pressure in a system drops below atmospheric pressure and leads to a vacuum, the pressure is expressed as negative to indicate the lower pressure level in comparison to the reference point.

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A container with a vacuum inside of it will have zero pressure. This is because a vacuum is a space with no air particles, so there is no pressure exerted on the walls of the container.

What would be the exact pressure at ultra high vacuum?

The ultimate objective of a manufactured vacuum is zero pressure.The better the vacuum, the closer the pressure is to zero.

How is pressure used in vacuum cleaners?

In vacuum cleaners, pressure is used to create suction that pulls air and debris into the machine. A fan or motor creates a low-pressure area inside the vacuum, causing the higher-pressure air outside to push debris into the vacuum cleaner. This allows the vacuum cleaner to effectively suck up dirt, dust, and other particles from surfaces.