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Q: What is the prevalance for rickets and osteomalacia?
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What is difference of rickets and osteomalacia?

rickets are seen in children whereas osteomalacia is softaining of bone in the case of adults

What is another name for rickets?


What bone disease is called by the lack of calcium in the diet?

Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

What disease in children called rickets is known as in adults?


What condition is also known as adult rickets?

It is known as Osteomalacia. I know because I have a genetic form of it. For more info you could search for x-linked hypophosphotemia.

What are the chief differences between rickets and osteomalacia?

rickets r seen in children while oesteomalacia is softening of bones in adults...

What disease in children in which an inefficient mineralization of the bone forming tissue causes deformities?

rickets also known as osteomalacia

A vitamin D deficiency can cause this abnormal metabolic bone disease?

RICKETS is a disorder caused y a lack of vitamin D,calcium,or phosphate.

What level in the blood may be increased in osteomalacia and fracture healing?

Alkaline phosphatase is increased in osteoblastic bone tumors, rickets, osteomalacia, and during fracture healing. Levels can be determined through an alkaline phosphatase blood test.

What is the disease caused by vitamin called osteomalacia?

It's a disease caused by lack of vitamin D that causes weakening/softening of bones.

How is sunlight related to vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency, as well as rickets and osteomalacia, tends to occur in persons who do not get enough sunlight

What is a vitamin D deficiency disease in children?

One of the more serious diseases that we see due to vitamin D deficiency in children is a return of rickets. This is a disease most commonly associated with developing countries. It causes a softening of the bones and is most common in children between the ages of 6 and 24 months. With the increase in vitamin D deficiency over the last decade we are seeing a return of this disease which was all but eliminated in developing countries after WWII.