

What is the prey of the shrew?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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11y ago

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The shrew only does is eat and sleep also he just sits on a tree stump all day in the woods...some times the just sleep all day long.

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in a food chain, prey is the stuff that gets eaten by a bigger animal (example: We are humans so we can eat just about anything on the food chain but fox's, snake's and birds)

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It is likely that a shrew would win because some varieties have a bite that spreads venomous saliva which immobilises their prey - usually much smaller creatures like mice and frogs.

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Water shrews are very elusive creatures, and are one of very few venomous mammals. Their saliva is poisonous to their prey, but not harmful to humans.

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There is no such thing. A baby shrew is called a baby shrew.

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What animal classification is a shrew in?

A shrew belongs to the class Mammalia, which includes all mammals. Within this class, a shrew belongs to the order Eulipotyphla, which also includes moles and hedgehogs.

How much does a shrew weight?

Well, the house shrew is the biggest shrew, it weighs about 100 grams.