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The price range for Western Show saddles varies greatly. Upon reviewing the Ebay site it has been found that some are available for as low as $350 but the prices go up to well over $1000.

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Q: What is the price range for western show saddles?
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Where can one find good prices on used Western show saddles?

One can find good prices on used Western show saddles online at the amazon marketplace. There are also some old western antique stores that may sell these used items.

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Does northern mean Western or English?? Western saddles can be as low as 150 but if you want a show saddle its up to $5000 is the price, my show saddle is 1000 dollars and is really nice. ENglish saddles cost more, but mine was free so i dont know how much they can be- someone told me my saddle is worth 1000 dollors! woohoo

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There are many different kinds of saddles and many very good saddle manufacturers. Saddles are broken into 2 basic types of saddles. The western and English saddles. Most saddle makers usually make one or the other of these 2 kinds. Western saddle makers cater to different riding styles. Western pleasure, roping, cutting, equitation, trail, show, are a few. English riders also have many choices with hunt seat, all purpose, dressage, saddle seat, and close contact. From the outside looking in it seems confusing but before long you will have it narrowed down to what will work best for you and your horse.

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On howrse Which famous show jumper now has a line of English saddles?

Which famous show jumper now has a line of English saddles? Rodrigo Pessoa

Hich famous show jumper now has a line of English saddles?

Most likely you are thinking of Pessoa, for he has the largest line. And they are INCREDIBLE saddles.

Which famous show jumper now has a line of English saddles?

For Howrse: Rodrigo Pessoa

8 - Which famous show jumper now has a line of English saddles?

Rodrigo Pessoa

4 - Which famous show jumper now has a line of English saddles?

the anser on howrse is Rodrigo Pessoa

How expensive is diamond?

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