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Elevation of the humerus and slight medial roataion of the shoulder. The anterior deltiod is a semi-weak muscle.

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Q: The deltoid muscle is responsible for what primary movement?
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Name the insertion of the primary muscle used?

The deltoid muscle is muscle used to move your arm. The deltoid's insertion is at the deltoid tuberosity of humerus. The deltoid is responsible for flexion and medial rotation of the humerus.

Location of deltoid muscle?

The deltoid muscle is located around the shoulder at the top. There is a deltoid muscle that is located on each shoulder.

What type of muscle fiber pennation is the deltoid muscle?

A deltoid muscle is the muscle that forms the rounded part of the shoulder.

What is the function of the deltoids?

the deltoid has 3 division of fiber, each has its function depending on their location the anterior fiber serves as shoulder flexor, where is the middle fiber for shoulder abduction at frontal plane and the posterior fiber functions as shoulder extensor

Where is the deltoid muscle found?

Deltoid tuberosity, a little prominence found midway on the lateral surface of the humerus. Right?

The muscle that abducts the arm and is also the muscle that receives injections that are given in the arm is the?


Where is the bone deltoid located?

=ANSWER:==The deltoid is not a bone but a muscle in your shoulder.=

What type of muscle is the deltoid?

smooth muscle

Is the deltoid muscle a shunt muscle?


Which is The name of the muscle that helps us to lift things over the head?

The Deltoid Muscle It's the Deltoid muscle maybe the triceps

What type of muscle is responsible for the movement of the arms and legs?

It is the Rubrospinal Tract. It's main role is the mediation of voluntary movement. It is responsible for large muscle moments such as the arms and legs as well as fine muscle movement.

Muscle that is antagonist of the latissimus dorsi?

It is the middle deltoidIt is the Deltoid Muscle .