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Q: What is the primary area of the body for digestion of foodstuffs?
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Saliva pre-digestion through ezymes in saliva is chemical change?

The first chemical change that happens in the body in regards to digestion, the breakdown of foodstuffs, occurs in the stomach. The saliva breakdown would be a physical change.

Is it possible for your poop to travel back to your stomach if digested too quickly?

Foodstuffs does not become feces until it is being acted on in the large intestines. Foodstuffs cannot travel backward because the body has special one-way doors called sphincters that keep one area closed so it cannot have backflow. So, no, feces cannot travel to your mouth.Also, it does not matter if your body digests foodstuffs slowly or fast. Foodstuffs (the mush from food and liquid) will still only go one way--down--during digestion.*If you vomit and see brown fluid with partially digested food, that is bile mixed with gastric juices. It comes from the stomach and is not feces (poop).

Where does digestion take place in your body?

in the torso area wherethe intestines arelocated at.

What is the primary function of the digestion system?

so your body can absorb as much nutrients as it can from the food you eat.

What is primary absorption?

If your asking about primary absorption in digestion and the absorption of nutrients into the body, then primary absorption is the first (primary) place in the body where nutrients are absorbed. In humans this takes place in the small intestines after the food has been broken down in the stomach and passed on to the small intestine.

What is the primary function of a digestive system?

The primary function of the digestive system is to supply the cells of the body with nutrition. It does this by ingestion, digestion, and absorption. The waste materials that are not used are then eliminated.

What is the difference between digestion of heterotrophs and saprotrophs?

Heterotrophs- digestion occurs inside the body. Saprotrophs- digestion occurs outside of body.

What helps with digestion and processes sugar in the body?

The Pancreas helps with digestion and processed sugar in the body.

What organ helps with digestion and processes sugar in the body?

The Pancreas helps with digestion and processed sugar in the body.

Organ helps with digestion and processes sugar in the body?

The Pancreas helps with digestion and processed sugar in the body.

What organs help the digestion and processes sugar in the body?

The Pancreas helps with digestion and processed sugar in the body.

What in your mouth has secret enzymes which help prepare the food for digestion in the stomach?

enzymes are proteins and are also catalyst these enzymes are all aorund ur body which speed up the reaction time of amino acid which allow your body and in this case ur mouth to help ur digestion Teeth to help with breaking down foodstuffs and saliva that begins the digestion process - V3n0m531