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The most important directional "force" in evolution is natural selection, or differential reproductive success.

Under natural selection I include sexual selection. Note that other people may list these two forms of selection under separate headers. Sexual selection is when organisms display preferences for mates with specific attributes, such as a colourful plumage, or broad hips and large mammaries.

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Q: What is the primary directing force in evolution?
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What is your theory on evolution?

I accept the modern theory of evolution by natural selection. You can not just on a whim put forth a scientific theory. I suggest you access a good dictionary. The scientific meaning of " theory " is generally the primary meaning.

What is it called when you believe in evolution?

== == Believing in evolution of species is called being realistic. It is recognizing the facts of science. Persons who believe that evolution is true are often referred to as evolutionists.Persons who are true believers in evolution specifically exclude anything other than a purely naturalistic explanation for the origin of the earth and universe and particularly life on earth.Theistic evolutionists is a term given to those who try to match theism, or belief in a God or gods as the one or ones involved in an original creation, with evolution being the mechanism which has produced ongoing changes over time to the point where we are today. Sometimes this also includes a God or gods guiding or directing the process of evolution.

What are the main mechanisms used by secular scientists to explain evolution?

All educated and not ideologically blinded scientists explain evolution by three primary mechanisms. Genetic drift, gene flow and natural selection.I have the feeling you do not know what secular means.

Which organelle is responsible for directing the cell?

The nucleus, which is also the organelle that houses the genetic material in the cell, is responsible for directing the cell.

What was Charles Darwin's theory on the driving force of evolution called?

Darwin claimed it was the process of natural selection that drove evolution. However this is incomplete, without both a process that creates variation and the process of natural selection evolution could not work. There are many processes that create variation (e.g. mutation, crossover, transformation, infection, conjugation, polyploidy).

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